In nephrometric assessment of a neoplasm of the kidney according to multispiral computed tomography and planning the method of organ-preserving surgery, the central location of the tumor is one of the main factors limiting the successful execution of enucleoresection. In the case when the volumetric formation is located on the periphery of the organ and comes from the peripheral segments, the expected risk of bleeding during node mobilization is minimal. This article presents the clinical observation of 128 patients operated on at the Minsk City Clinical Oncology Dispensary in the period from 2014 to 2019 with clinically localized renal cell carcinoma (T1N0M0). It was revealed that the study of the segmental location of the kidney tumor before the start of the operation influenced the choice of the method of surgical technique (OR = 17,31, 95 % CI = 12,12–24,70, p = 0,002) and formed one of the main differential diagnostic criteria for substantiation the technical feasibility of performing enucleoresection of the kidney.
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