Carpometacarpal osteoarthritis 1 (rhizarthrosis, saddle joint arthrosis, trapeziometacarpal arthrosis) is quite frequent and leads to incapacitation and restriction of hand function. This disease is more frequently observed in women, especially in postmenopausal period. First conservative therapy is implemented to treat this pathology. Provided failure of therapeutic methods to be efficient, surgical treatment is required for the patients. The choice of surgical intervention depends on the stage of the disease. The article provides evaluation of various methods of surgical treatment of hand carpometacarpal osteoarthritis 1. On the ground of analysis of the existing surgical approaches to rhizarthrosis treatment requirements have been formalized to a newly developed and implemented surgical treatment of this pathology. The algorithm of implementation of various rhizarthrosis treatment methods depending from the disease stage, age and functional load on a hand was developed.
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