The article analyzes the treatment of children with rektoperineal fistulas. From 1970 to 2014 with this type of malformations were treated 240 children: 136 (56.6%) boys and 104 girls (45.4%). This is the most common group of anomalies. The analysis of operations carried out by this group of patients, early and late results. A one-stage perineal proctoplasty or minimum posterior sagittal proctoplastyk for rektoperineal fistuls is the treatment of choice in the neonatal period. With operations in the neonatal period, there is a significant economic impact, which is determined by performing one-stage operation, a decrease in length of hospitalization in the intensive care unit, without establishing the fact of the child’s disability. It should be noted that the operation can only be performed in a specialized hospital. Functional results in a child with congenital anorectal defect depends on the gender and the type of defect.
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