Cardiovascular diseases are still the leading causes of death in the world. Atherosclerosisof the arteries of the lower extremities is one of them. A risk factor for the developmentof atherosclerosis is diabetes mellitus, particularly type 2. The fact that these diseasesare systemic and multifactorial is generally recognized. Considering the progress of geneticsand gene therapy in recent decades, the search for genes responsible for the developmentof both lower limb atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus is relevant. Their identificationcan probably help to improve the prognosis of the course of these diseases, personalizethe system of prevention and treatment. Homocysteine is an amino acid involvedin the pathogenesis of both obliterative atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus. In this context,folate cycle genes, which play a major role in the development of hyperhomocysteinemia,are of particular interest
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