The technology of video-assisted minimally invasive interventions on the thoracic spine is a promising direction in surgical endoscopy. Thoracic endoscopic spine surgery is effective for the diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies (tumors, inflammation, deformities, degenerative-dystrophic lesions, injuries). The advantages of thoracic endoscopic interventions are – trauma/injury reduction, reduced blood loss, full visualization of the operation area, the ability to control the allocation of surgical instruments, early activation and rehabilitation of patients as a result of minimally invasive technology, reduced hospital stay and treatment costs. Video-assisted minimally invasive interventions on the thoracic spine are a promising area of surgical endoscopy. The use of thoracoscopic technology allows us to move to a qualitatively new level of surgical interventions from anterior surgical approaches for various pathologies of the thoracic spine (tumors, deformities, degenerative-dystrophic lesions, injuries, inflammatory processes).
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