To achieve high efficiency of endodontic treatment, it is necessary to ensure highquality cleaning of the root canal. Using only mechanical processing, it is impossible to completely clean the entire root system. For drug treatment of root canals, a wide range of antiseptic agents is used, the most popular of which is a remedy based on sodium hypochlorite solution. For maximum therapeutic effect, the irrigation solution must be in direct contact with the entire surface of the root canal dentin, penetrating into all its branches. Therefore, the creation of an adequate taper, the choice of the optimal method of supplying the agent based on sodium hypochlorite solution affects the quality of drug treatment of the root canal and subsequent obturation.Target. To evaluate the penetration efficiency of the agent based on 3 % sodium hypochlorite solution into the macrocanal of the tooth and its branches, depending on the choice of the method of mechanical and medical treatment of root canals in vitro. Materials and research methods. The data obtained as a result of a survey of practicing dentists were statistically processed in Microsoft Excel 6. In the course of the work, root canals were treated with manual and machine tools, followed by washing with a drug based on sodium hypochlorite solution using various methods.Results. The highest degree of diffusion of the agent based on sodium hypochlorite solution was established in root canals treated with machine tools using the aspiration method of sanitation. Manual preparation of root canals showed the lowest degree of penetration of the irrigant into the root canal compared to machine processing. Regardless of the method of root canal preparation, it was found that the best degree of penetration of the agent based on sodium hypochlorite solution was observed with the aspiration method of debridement than with the traditional method of antiseptic treatment using an endodontic needle.
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