Inflammatory diseases of aorta are associated with such serious complications as dissecting aneurysm, rupture of the aortic wall and thromboembolism, which determine the importance of the early detection of this pathology. The complexity of a timely diagnosis of aortitis can be justified by the absence of pathognomonic clinical symptoms or the development of the disease as a part of a systemic disorder, the non-specificity of changes in standard laboratory tests and the unavailability of the routine morphological examination of the aorta. Differential diagnosis of infectious and non-infectious aortitis is very important, because it influences the effectiveness of treatment. Early recognition of the pathology has become possible due to the accessibility of the specific markers of the systemic diseases, laboratory tests to detect infections and modern instrumental methods of visualization of the aortic lesions. The article presents the causes of infectious and non-infectious aortitis, characteristic of clinically isolated aortitis and periaortitis, and morphological patterns of aortitis according to the structure of the inflammatory infiltrate. The authors reviewed both laboratory tests and methods of instrumental diagnostics that provide significant assistance in identification of the disease aa well as diagnostic algorithm of aortitis.
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