A modern obstetrician-gynecologist often faces the problem of correcting the negative changes that occur in the female body in the perimenopausal period. According to the WHO, by 2025 the number of women over the age of 60 will reach 1 billion, which undoubtedly makes the topic of menopausal syndrome therapy discussed by the authors of the article relevant. Since 2020, the global community has been living in a pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. And this undoubtedly affects the tactics of treating patients with other pathologies when this infection is attached. A certain alertness is caused by the influence of menopausal hormonal therapy on the hemostasis system. The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) also activates a wide range of pathological links, affecting many body systems, including the hemostasis system. The authors reviewed a modern approach to the correction of menopausal changes in women using menopausal hormone therapy, the main indications and contraindications for its appointment, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the recommendations of international communities on menopause.
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