The cause of the maladjustment syndrome of the cardiovascular system of the newborn (SDSSS), which is a functional disorder of the CVS during this period, is predominantly postponed chronic antenatal and intrapartum hypoxia. Factors contributing to the delay in the formation of mature cardiomyocytes, impaired neurohumoral regulation of vascular tone, including in the coronary bed, congenital viral and bacterial infections, and congenital heart defects make a significant contribution to the occurrence of SDSS. The problem of coronavirus infection has worried the whole world since 2019. At the same time, the issues of infection of newborn children remain unclear, the issue of vertical transmission of the virus from mother to child is being discussed. The aim of our study was to analyze all cases of SDSS in children born to mothers with confirmed COVID-19 infection and from mothers not sick with COVID-19 on the eve of childbirth, as well as to identify the factors that influenced the development of this syndrome and to establish options for its course. It was revealed that in newborns whose mothers contracted coronavirus infection COVID-19 immediately before childbirth, SDCCS manifested itself as a violation of cardiac conduction, and in children from mothers uninfected with coronavirus infection, SDCCS was expressed as a disturbance of arousal. Laboratory methods of research in newborns of both groups reflected the indirect effect of a damaging factor on the cells of the heart muscle.
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- Поступила 04.11.2021 г.