This article shows the peculiarity of the course and difficulties of diagnosing Still's disease in adults. Still disease is a rare multisystemic inflammatory disease of unknown nature. The incidence of Still's disease is 0.1–0.4 cases per 100 thousand population. Therefore, each case of the disease is of significant interest to doctors of various specialties. The article presents patient B. at the age of 20, who entered a urological hospital with long-term fever, signs of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, suspected kidney carbuncle. The patient underwent a comprehensive examination. As a result of the examination, the diagnosis of kidney carbuncle was excluded and the presence of Still's disease in adults was confirmed. After intensive care, persistent remission of the disease was achieved. This clinical case have demonstrated peculiarities of the course and diagnostic of patient with Still 's disease.
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- Поступила 18.10.2021 г.