In modern conditions the number and severity of cranial injuries are increasing, which makes it relevant to study their consequences by specialists of various profiles. One of the most dangerous consequences of open craniocerebral trauma is liquorrhea, both obvious (nasal, ear, orbital, nasopharyngeal) and hidden (in the middle ear cavity, in the paranasal sinuses). According to the time of occurrence after injury, liquorrhea can be immediate or delayed, including after one month more. The frequency of nasal liquorrhea is reaches 30 % in the presence of fractures of the skull base. In the case of the development of liquorrhea, there is a direct communication between subarachnoid space and external environment, which significantly increased the risk of intracranial complications. Therefore, timely diagnosis of this condition is an important task. The article demonstrates clinical case of a developed intracranial complication in a child with liquorrhea in the remote (8 years) period after an open craniocerebral injury. This clinical case demonstrates the need for alertness and awareness of specialists of various profiles about the possible longterm consequences of open craniocerebral trauma.
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