The article provides an overview of the prevalence of risky behavior in children with hyperactivity as a social problem. Children and adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are a special category of the child population whose behavior is determined by the imbalance of excitationinhibition processes. The symptoms of this pathology are differentiated depending on the age of the patient and the manifestation of the main clinical manifestations decreases as children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) grow older. At the same time, complicated forms of ADHD often involve a violation of behavior that tends to take risky forms. Such behavior can be directed towards itself (autodectional) or towards society (externally destructive). In this context, the timely identification of factors that increase and reduce the risk of deviations in hyperactive children becomes relevant. They include certain conditions and properties of a person, which lead to readiness for risk and the implementation of risky behavior. The indication of these features underpins a systematic approach in risk management in the behavior of persons with a history of ADHD.
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