Aim: To analyze results of proposed reverse transosal suture. Materials: 264 cases (187 patients; 143 men, 44 women, age between 5 to 75 y. o.) of tendon fixation to distal phalanx by proposed technique was accepted in our research, after two stages flexor tendon grafting, in 2008–2019. On 2nd day after surgery - early full amplitude movement rehabilitation protocol (modification of Kleinart technique) was applied. Results: In an interim analysis of 109 patients treatment results, we noted complications associated with a transossal tendon suture to distal phalanx in 7.5 % (8/159) of cases: infectious complication – 1 case, serious nail growth disorders – 1, slight deformation of the nail plate – 5 cases, periodic pain in distant period – 1 case. To avoid complications associated with nail plate disorders, suture technique was modified by displacing the transcutaneous canal to the side of the nail germinal zone without incision on the back of the finger. No deformation of the nail plate was observed after changing of suture technique. Conclusions: flexor digitorum profundus tendon fixation technique minimizes trauma to surrounding tissues. Strong internal fixation of the tendon gives the possibility of early movements. Intermediate material analysis made it possible to change the suture technique to effectively eliminate the most common complications.
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