The article presents data the processes of pollen transfer of plants and fungal spores in the surface layer of the atmosphere, pollen transfer and daily dynamics of dusting in the atmospheric air of the city of Minsk. The study was conducted with the using of the stationary Burkard pollen traps and pollen sedimentation traps. Monitoring data using pollen sedimentation traps and data from computer simulations of pollen transport have shown that the composition and concentration of pollen in aerosols change significantly in different areas of the city. The regional component of pollen varies within 20–60 % in the composition of «pollen rain» in different points of the city and under different weather conditions. Computer modeling of the atmospheric air condition of Minsk taking into account forested areas, landings in courtyards and along streets, the location of the thermal power plant, and the main traffic. Significant differences were found in the composition and concentration of pollen, as well as technogenic components for different points of the city.
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