Up to 70 % of all cases of uterine infertility are due to endometrial non-receptivity. 60 % of women with repeated ineffective blastocyst implants are diagnosed with endometrial hypoplasia. A universal marker for predicting successful pregnancy does not exist. A necessary condition for receptivity is the ability of the endometrium to transform and produce a functional glandular layer of a number of substances that ensure the processes of adhesion and implantation into the endometrium of the blastocyst. It is believed that blastocyst implantation is successful when the endometrium is most susceptible. This period strictly limited in time in the literature was called the “implantation window”. The role of endometrial receptivity signs such as its thickness, structure, intrauterine hemodynamics, pinopodia, integrin html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-945-endvhtml5-dom-document-internal-entity2-946-end3, leukemia inhibitory factor, NOXA-10 gene, expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors is discussed. In this case, most of the known markers of implantation (leukemia inhibiting factor, integrin html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-945-endvhtml5-dom-document-internal-entity2-946-end3, E-catherins, HOX genes, pinopodia) are regulated by direct or indirect influence of sex hormones through their receptors. Important information for predicting the onset of pregnancy is given by determining the expression of genes responsible for the production of structural proteins providing endometrial receptivity.
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