Vocal fold nodules or voice mutation is most often the cause of voice disturbance in childhood and adolescence. Idiopathic violation of the mobility of the vocal folds, not associated with external causes or congenital anomalies in children, as in adults, requires a diagnostic search aimed at identifying the possible causes of damage to the vagus or recurrent laryngeal nerve. The article describes a rare case of a teenager`s pulmonary tuberculosis, first manifested by dysphonia against the background of limited mobility (paresis) of the vocal fold. As a result of the research for the cause of paresis of the vocal fold, during an X-ray examination of the chest organs, we detected pneumonia, and subsequently, its specific nature – pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberculosis infection continues to be an urgent problem, including pediatrics, especially after revising the national vaccination calendar. Thus in present conditions, doctors of all specialties need to be wary of the prevalence of infectious diseases among the population, tuberculosis in particular.
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