Hemolytic disease of the fetus occurs due to the formation of incomplete isoimmune antibodies to A and B antigens in the mother’s blood and their passage through the placenta to the fetus. The most common incompatible combination of maternal and fetal blood groups are: O – A and O – B. In this case, the hemolytic process begins already in utero as a result of active placental transport of maternal isoantibodies. As a prenatal diagnosis, immunological monitoring of the level of antigroup antibodies and determination of their specificity is necessary. The article provides a clinical and laboratory analysis of 19 cases of hemolytic disease according to the AB0 system. In our analysis, we did not establish a direct relationship between antibody titers detected in maternal blood and the severity of hemolysis in children, due to the immunological features of antigens and antibodies in this type of conflict.
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