In the article provides data on the frequency of cystic fibrosis in Belarus in comparison with other countries; the number of children who have survived 18 years of age and their duration of life with cystic fibrosis at the present time. The characteristics of the features and course of cystic fibrosis in children at the present stage are given. The genetic profile of cystic fibrosis is considered and its course is described in the most frequent mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), is evaluated the character of the microbial landscape with the release of dominant pathogens and their sensitivity to antibiotics, including mucoid forms of Ps.aeruginosa, special attention is paid to approaches to the complex treatment of cystic fibrosis and new promising directions in the pathogenetic treatment of cystic fibrosis. In the article gives examples of the diagnosis formulation with the main diagnosis, complications and comorbidities diseases.
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