The article presents the characteristics of the long-term dynamics of the varicella epidemic process for 1960–2018 on the territory of Belarus. А continuous, retrospective, longitudinal epidemiological study were carried out for features of the territorial distribution of varicella in the different regions of the country in 2008–2019. The authors have established the following characteristics of the long-term dynamics of the incidence of varicella in the Republic of Belarus: high intensity of the epidemic process in the country and in all regions, the uneven distribution of morbidity over the years, the formation of the curvilinear trend of the long-term dynamics of the disease under the influence of constantly acting factors, the cyclical nature of the epidemic process with large periods of the first order and small second order with respect to the curvilinear trend, phases of the epidemic well-being and troubles, in the regions of the Republic of Belarus in 2008–2018 – uneven distribution of morbidity rates over the years, a direct upward trend in all regions, low cyclicality, synchronism in 2008–2015 in all regions and asynchrony in 2016 in the Mogilev and Gomel regions.
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