The article provides general information about viral hepatitis E (VHE), about data on the clinic, diagnostics and treatment of the infection in patients who receive immunosuppressive therapy. It presents a case of acute viral hepatitis E, which developed in the late post-transplantation period in a kidney allograft recipient. At a planned visit, an increase of AST up to 131 IU/liter and ALT up to 308 IU/liter was detected. The biochemical parameters, as well as the anamnesis data, suggested VHE which was later verified by the hepatitis E virus RNA detection in serum at the concentration of 243 IU/ml. In 4 weeks, biological material was collected again, and the concentration of hepatitis E virus RNA in blood serum increased up to 210982 IU/ml, while in feces up to 134721 IU/ml. At the same time we observed an increase in ALT and AST levels up to 693 and 587 U/L, respectively. The reduction of immunosuppression level (medrol 2 mg/day, advagraf 1 mg/day, myfortic 360 mg 2/day, lazartan 100 mg/day, pantoprazole 20 mg in the morning) as well as the detoxification therapy by intravenous heptral and ursodeoxycholic acid led to marked positive dynamics in clinical and laboratory data. The obtained data prove the presence of hepatitis E virus circulation among the population of the Republic of Belarus and show that the patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy have an increased risk of developing severe forms of HEV, which indicates the need for special attention to such patients.
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