An interesting and at the same time complex section of internal diseases is autoimmune liver disease. Simultaneous damage to hepatocytes and intrahepatic bile ducts by autoantibodies leads to the development of a syndrome of the intersection of autoimmune liver diseases. The diagnostic spectrum of those diseases is reflected in the article of the same name by the authors [12]. Chronic autoimmune hepatitis can develop gradually. Clinical manifestations can be from asymptomatic to severe in combination with extrahepatic lesions. There are several subtypes of autoimmune hepatitis associated with different HLA phenotypes, which affects the clinical manifestations. The Paris criteria for the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis in combination with cholestatic liver damage are given. Covered issues of drug damage to the liver and induced autoimmune hepatitis, the difficulties of their differential diagnosis. Given the current understanding of autoimmune IgG4-associated cholangitis, HISORt-criteria, questions of differential diagnosis with primary sclerosing cholangitis. The treatment tactics for autoimmune diseases of the liver is described taking into account the clinical protocol of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the recommendations of the European Association for the Study of the Liver.
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