All over the world, including Republic of Belarus, there is an increase in the incidence of pertussis among children: for example, over the past 19 years it has increased almost 4 times (from 8.6 per 100 thousand children in 2000 to 33.5 per 100 thousand children in 2018). Many researchers noted a change in the structure of the sick in the form of an increase in the proportion of vaccinated, as well as a change in the age structure with an increase in the number of children of school and adolescence. Taking into account these changes, the clinical picture of pertussis in vaccinated and unvaccinated children of different ages was analyzed. The study included 280 patients with pertussis infection who underwent inpatient treatment at the City children’s infectious diseases clinical hospital in Minsk from January 2011 to January 2017 at the age of 1 month to 17 years inclusive, in whom the diagnosis of pertussis was confirmed by laboratory methods of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The average age of unvaccinated patients was only 8 (2–23) months, in vaccinated it was 97 (53–140) months, that is, 8 years 1 month (p < 0.001). The influence of vaccination status and age on the course of the disease was revealed. As a result of the analysis, it was found that in unvaccinated children whooping cough retains mainly classical features of the disease in the form of a syndrome of paroxysmal cough with reprises and there are episodes of apnea. On the contrary, in vaccinated children there is a smoothness of clinical symptoms, often there is shortness of breath, not associated with cough. This symptom, as a leader in pertussis, can complicate timely diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures in the hearth.
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