Preparatory courses, both full-time and evening, are designed to play a significant role in shaping the continuity between education in a school and a higher education institution. In modern conditions, the evening form of education plays a significant role in the system of pre-university education and solves the important task of bridging the gap in the level of knowledge of school students and the requirements that applicants face when entering a higher educational institution. Education at the evening preparatory courses provides an opportunity for graduates of pre-university educational institutions to systematize, deepen and improve their knowledge. The article analyzes: the most difficult for students to master the topics and sections of biology; learning difficulties, one of which is the complexity and large amount of material studied. The goals and objectives of training are the main ones, which are to prepare students for successful completion of centralized testing and to form the basis for successful study in the educational environment of a higher educational institution. The main teaching methods that teachers of the Department of Biology use in practical classes with students of evening preparatory courses are considered.
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