In the lecture, along with a description of the historical stages of the study, clinical presentation and diagnosis of Raynaud's disease, data are presented (including personal research) on the modern treatment of this disease. Conclusions about the need for conservative treatment of Raynaud's disease in stage I and high efficiency of video- thoracoscopic upper thoracic sympathectomy in stage II of the disease were made.Constant central stimulation of neurons in the sympathetic ganglia leads to an increase in their functional activity, disruption of reparative processes in them, gradual degeneration and death. This leads to the restructuring of the reflex arc to the vessels of the upper extremities bypassing these ganglia. That is why the videothoracoscopic upper thoracic sympathectomy in the late III stage of Raynaud's disease is ineffective.
- 1. A.G.M. Raynaud. De l'asphyxia locale et de la gangrene symetrique des extremites. Doctoral thesis, published February 25, 1862. Paris, Rignoux, 1867:15-20.
- 2. Бехтерева, Н.П., Бондарчук, А.В., Зонтов, В.В. Болезнь Рейно: кли-ника, нейропатофизиологические исследования центральных механизмов // АМН СССР. – Л.: Медицина, 1965. – 192 с.
- 3. Перли, П.Д., Пупуриня, И.Я., Болезнь Рейно // Рига: Зинатне, 1980 – 199 с.
- 4. Шнитко, С.Н., Слука, Б.А., Стринкевич, А.Л. Экспериментальные и хирургические аспекты десимпатизации при болезни Рейно // Минск: БГМУ, 2009. – 172 с. Поступила 13.12.2018 г.