The article highlights the results of an epidemiological study of morbidity with temporary disability at an oil production JSC "Naftan". Showing morbidity with temporary disability levels and structure in different stazhevyh and professional groups. Obtained disease, determining the main labor losses in the enterprise in industries with potentially hazardous conditions on the effect of chemical and physical environment factors, severity and intensity of the work process. The analysis shows that in the study group performance of morbidity with temporary disability below normalizing rates in the republic, but the main group the number of cases per 100 employees of morbidity with temporary disability significantly higher than in the comparison group. In the main group of morbidity with temporary disability cases registered at a younger age. In the main group of morbidity with temporary disability cases due to respiratory diseases, injuries, poisonings and other consequences of external causes, diseases of the digestive system registered more frequently than in the comparison group.The data can be one of the reasons for the presence of the negative impact of production factors and working conditions for workers "Naftan" and the basis for the development of the target complex program of disease prevention and improved occupational health for specific jobs and professions, identifying possible security for the health worker employment contract duration work in hazardous working conditions.
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