According to the results of standardized epidemiological studies around the world, at least 10% of children and 2% of adults suffer from food allergies (PA). According to the results of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, food sensitization is found in 36% of patients with allergies. PA is the result of sensitization to food allergens, leading to the development of allergic inflammation. Food reactions can also be caused by a direct toxic effect of its components, such as histamine (found in some varieties of fish, strawberries, tomatoes), caffeine and theobromine (one of the ingredients of many tonic drinks). Food intolerance (PN) can be caused by different mechanisms. Forming Reactions of Food intolerance may be due to the presence of comorbidities, leading to the disruption of the processes of digestion and absorption of food substrate. Changes in leukocyte are proven due to antigen (AH) retroaction and antibodies (AT).
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