Article is devoted to a hot topic of gynecology – ectopic pregnancy. Special attention is paid to an etiology, forms and localization of ectopic pregnancy, diagnostics - with emphasis on these ultrasonic signs. Localization in the cicatrix on a uterus after operation of Cesarean section rather infrequent form of ectopic pregnancy, in view of high risk of a hysterorrhesis in any duration of gestation with high probability of the intra abdominal bleeding sometimes leading to a lethal outcome. Therefore, early diagnostics of existence of pregnancy, including ectopic in the cicatrix, according to an ultrasonic diagnostics, to biochemical markers, has to be well-timed. The attention is paid to continuity in work of doctors of clinics for women and hospitals, in respect of prophylaxis, definition of risk groups of development of the given pathology after interventions on a uterus. 2 clinical cases with ectopic pregnancy in the cicatrix on a uterus where the diagnosis is in due time exposed are presented and adequate surgical treatment – organ-preserving operation is carried out.
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