The article presents the results of morphological studies 25 720 biopsies (scrapings of the uterine cavity made in the proliferation phase of the menstrual cycle) of the endometrium of patients, aged 18 to 51 years, diagnosed with «infertility», which is caused by chronic inflammation of the endometrium (18 615 biopsies). The chronic endometritis and caused by endometritis the morphological and functional disturbances are one of the reasons of sterility and not incubation of pregnancy. Identified etiological risk factors for the development and starting mechanism of chronic inflammatory processes in the endometrium. The work shows the importance of diagnosing chronic endometritis histologically – detection and systematization of morphological changes in endometrial biopsy. The studies found that the most frequent morphological manifestations of chronic endometritis are: diffuse round-cell infiltration (93 %) and sclerosis of the stroma (87 %).
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