Diagnosis and selection of effective treatment of chronic constipation in children is a serious problem for pediatricians, gastroenterologists, pediatric surgeons. The incidence of this disease in children under one year is 17.6%, and at a later age of 10–25%. The big difference is due to variability in the frequency of bowel movements in children and the use of different criteria for establishing the diagnosis. Long period prior to the treatment of parents to the doctor and the diagnosis, determines the uncertain long-term prognosis regardless of constipation accompanied by any complications or not, it is a serious problem for the child and his family. Of the functions of the human body defecation it is the most personal and so far the least understood and least studied. In this article, we have tried to organize data on diagnostics, differential diagnosis of diseases that are manifested by constipation in children based on examination and treatment in the DHC Minsk.
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