The issue of crime and violence among persons with mental disorder is a subject of longstanding clinical and policy importance. The relationship between mental illness and violent offending has long been a subject of debate. The aim of this study was estimate the structure of violent criminal acts committed by persons with mental disorders. There were 931 people found insane in the department of stationary forensic psychiatric examinations with a strict supervision of the State Committee of Forensics of the Republic of Belarus during the period from 2002 to 2014. Among the whole range of socially dangerous acts, 71.2% was associated with violence. The majority of these acts were homicide (27.0%), hooliganism (14.2%) and inflicting serious bodily injuries (9.7%). Men suffering from paranoid schizophrenia committed 36.9% of all violent acts, which was significantly more than in any other clinical group without gender separation. Men with paranoid schizophrenia were involved in 31.9% of homicides, 48.5% of hooliganism, 65.2% of all robberies. Also they inflicted 24.4% of all serious bodily injuries.
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