A brief review of the legislative framework, the principles of hospital replacing technology in pediatric surgery in Belarus, Poland and Germany. On the example of the annual reports Surgery Children’s Surgical Centre in Minsk the expediency of the use of technology. Expanding the range of medical services offered (given the presence of high-tech equipment, qualified personnel – perform operations related specialties (traumatology, urology, neurosurgery) using high-tech methods. The objective of day hospitals – reduce the burden on hospitals. Therefore, the main objective of reducing the length of hospital stay is not savings and reduction of the negative factors of the hospital environment for the child, violation of habitual way of life, psychological deprivation, risk of nosocomial infection. Day surgery – safe and satisfying the interests of parents and patients, and can be recommended as a method of choice of surgical care for children «small» surgical pathology. Prolonged hospitalization of children for routine that does not require special methods of observation of surgical operationsin a large city is wasteful.
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