Is the cornerstone of pathogenesis of a diabetic ketoatsidotichesky coma sharp fatty гепатоз ow- гепатоз ow- ow- ing to total intoxication of an organism ketonovy bodies (html5-dom-document-internal-entity2-946-end-oksimaslyany acid) with development of metabolic acidosis, sharp hepatokidney and the sosudistoynedostatochnost against deficiency of insulin expressed to a hyperglycemia, water and electrolytic violation and the strengthened lipoliz. For restoration of water and electrolytic and acid and main balance on the basis of elimination of the reason of metabolic acidosis (the progressing hepatorenal failure) with the timely prevention of complications (hypostasis of lungs and hypostasis of a brain), it is necessary to adhere to a method of «the limited regidratation». When progressing sharp hepatokidney and vascular insufficiency of a diabetic ketoatsidotichesky coma rationally intravenous and drop introduction in a limited dose of soluble corticosteroids.
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