The data about the essence the criminal motivation of the people, who have commited the crimes are presented. It is turning the attention that social-danger actes can commited both the mental patients and the mental healthy people. A presence only the mental disorderes is not meaning its com pulsory criminal realization, all the same it is wrong to count of all criminals the mental patients. The essential role is plaing the inneres factors in the view the individual-psychological peculiarites the subjectes of law violation, the condition their mental health in the plan the character of trend and depth the mental disorderes and the outward conditions, which can furthering or restraining the appearance criminal events. There is the indication, that the realization of criminal device the healthy people is connected with the degree of the will control the bechaviour, their normal-value direction. In the article taking into consideration on the necessity of complex prevention the criminal actes with the side of people with the criminal type of bechaviour. The present article has the concrete practical meaning, openes the essence the criminal motivation of the people, who have commited the social-danger actes.
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