The structure of the liver of posterity of white rats under the conditions of acting the low dose of acetate of lead (1 mg/kg/day) in the time of pregnancy of female and for the duration of lactation period is studied. Is noted reaction from the side of microcirculation bed – expansion of sinusoid hemocapillary, lymphocytic infiltration into the portal zones, the plethora of central vein. The damage of formation of hepatic plates in the 2nd weekly experimental young rats is discovery. The most explicit deviations from the control are observed in the first weeks of the postnatal life. The morphometric analysis of nuclei of the hepatocytes in experimental animals in the early postnatal ontogenesis did not reveal the increase in their area observed in control animal. In 1.5 monthly experimental animals the structural organization of the liver in practice is not differed from control; however, the area of nuclei it is statistically meant less, in comparison with control individuals.
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