This overview tells about modern conceptions of pulmonary embolism (PE) treatment. PE is widespread illness and has a high death-rate. Early diagnostics of this illness makes it possible to start the treatment immediately so that it leads to high efficiency. The most frequent reason of the illness is deep vein thrombosis. Risk factors of PE and its pathogenesis are described in the overview. It is difficult to diagnose PE because of polymorphism and lack of clinical presentation specificity. Such methods as laboratory tests, electrocardiography, x-ray study, echocardiography, vein echographia, perfusion scintigraphy, cardiac catheterization of venous heart and pulmonary angiography can be used for diagnostics. The key method to diagnostics of PE is x-ray computed tomography. Modern PE therapy includes stabilization of hemodynamics, breathing support, decrease of vascular obstruction, PE disposal of symptoms and prevention of relapses, decrease of risks and improving of patient wealth. The strategy of PE management according to risk degree of early lethality is described.
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