Список литературы
На сегодняшний день совсем недостаточно данных клинических и эпидемиологических исследований. При анализе доступных литературных источников мы вовсе не встретили опубликованных данных о распространенности абфракционных дефектов среди различных групп населения в Республике Беларусь.
Ключевые слова:
абфракция, абфракционный дефект, эпидемиологическое обследование
Aetiology and epidemiology of abfraktsionny defects of teeth
Abfractions are still the subject of dispute. In spite of numerous hypotheses putting forward by native and foreign scientists, the etiology of these lesions has not been fully established. Lack of common opinions on the etiology abfactions leads to numerous inaccuracies in terminology. Since many authors did not consider abfractions as component wear hard tissues, to date insufficient data from clinical studies. Having analyzed the available literature we did not meet the published facts about the prevalence abfractions among different population groups in the Republic of Belarus.
abfraction, epidemiology
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