It was revealed that non-addicted users are inclined to judge their “Real Me” as a bearer of more positive socially desirable traits than their “Virtual Me” (“Assessment” factor in the Personal differential, the average of 12,7 and 8,3 points accordingly, significance level p = 0,001). There seems to be no or very little difference between real and virtual self-evaluation in a group of internet-addicted subjects of the experiment (the average of 12,4 and 12 points accordingly). It means that for non-addicted users a new component of Me-concept may be revealed – “Virtual Me” that is different both from “Real Me” and “Ideal me” while it is not differentiated for internet-addicted users. If this assumption is right, it may not only substantially help in the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of the internet addiction but also outline measures of prevention and treatment of the internet addiction.
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