Student science is an integral part of the training of future doctors. The purpose of the study is to assess the motivation of students to engage in scientific activities, to identify a reserve for strengthening students’ commitment to study in student scientific clubs. A descriptive study was conducted of students' propensity to engage in scientific work in student scientific clubs. The scope of the study was 206 respondents – students of the Belarusian State Medical University, 1st, 3rd, 4th year. The work used sociological and statistical methods. On the topic of the study, a questionnaire was developed that included questions about the experience of research work, motivation for research activities, preferences and opinions about what may hinder the pursuit of science in student scientific clubs. Based on the results of the survey, it was found that only 20.9 % of students had experience in participating in writing scientific papers. Student scientific clubs have a large potential audience: 58.8 % of students indicated that the main obstacle to participating in a student scientific club was organizational problems (time). The most attractive for students are studies conducted at clinical sites (81.8 %). Students in most cases are ready to work in a team and share tasks when carrying out research with their co-author (99.0 %). 64.3 % of respondents do not exclude scientific activity as a possible career development option.
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