The article is devoted to Nikolai Alexandrovich Semashko (September 8 (20) 1874 – May 18, 1949) – a doctor, Soviet party and government figure, one of the organizers of the healthcare system of the Soviet Union known worldwide as “the system of Semashko”. N. A. Semashko was the first people’ s commissar of the healthcare of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR) (1918–1930); academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1944) and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (1945). A broad outlook, excellent medical education received at the leading universities of the Russian Empire – Moscow and Kazan, experience in revolutionary work, work in providing medical care to the population in various conditions allowed N. A. Semashko to become the leading organizer of healthcare in the Soviet Union. The operating principles of the “Semashko system” have received well-deserved recognition from the world community and are being implemented to one degree or another by healthcare in all countries.
It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of N. A. Semashko to the creation of management systems for Soviet healthcare, protection of the health of women and children,
and preventive work; medical science and medical education. Having begun his medical
education at Moscow University, N. A. Semashko returned there 30 years later to create
the leading department of the university dealing with problems of social hygiene.
Key words: doctor, healthcare, system, health, people’s commissar.
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