With the increasing role of digital technologies in all areas of human activity, the use of 3D modeling and 3D printing is constantly growing. Three-dimensional visualization methods are actively being introduced into various fields of medicine: new technologies of 3D modeling and 3D printing are being developed. Most often, this area affects surgical specialties. One of the promising areas for using 3D models in otorhinolaryngology is preoperative planning with determination of the minimum size of a bone defect in the anterior walls of the paranasal sinuses during external access to perform a successful surgical intervention. A computed tomography scan of the patient is used as initial information for calculations. Based on this information, a 3D model of the facial skeleton is created, and at the next stage it is analyzed. The use of spatial and numerical calculation methods, which are based on the data of a specific patient, allows us to take into account the anatomical features of the structure of the patient’s facial skeleton, the individual size and shape of the sinus. In the course of this study, we propose a mathematical algorithm to determine the appropriate localization of a trepanation defect in the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus during extranasalsurgical intervention.
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