This publication analyzes the long-term pathology associated with thyroid functionin women who were pregnant in April 1986 and, as a result of the Chernobyl accident,received radiation due to the incorporation of radioactive iodine. The comparison groupconsisted of women living in the same region of Belarus, but whose pregnancy occurredafter the decay of the iodine radioisotope. The age of women in both groups at the timeof pregnancy was 22–24 years, the gestation period was 21–23 weeks. Due to the incorporation of radioactive iodine, an average absorbed dose of 60–80 mGy was generated.The incidence of endocrine system diseases in women was expressed mainly due to diseasesof the thyroid gland, nutritional and metabolic disorders (obesity). The cumulative incidencein the main group was not much different from the incidence in the comparison group.Based on the data presented, a conclusion is made about the non-radiation natureof the identified pathology, which can be associated with an excess of stable iodine dueto its intake from food and the use of iodine-containing medications during pregnancy.
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