The work was carried out using a verbal communication method of psychologicalresearch, the participants of which were minors 12–17 years old both with signs of attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and without this pathology, in order to identifythe characteristics of their aggressive behavior, taking into account lifestyle risk factorsfor the subsequent justification of medical prevention measures. Statistically significantdifferences were established in the prevalence of aggressive and hostile reactions in the studygroups with lower values in the group of healthy respondents and higher – among childrenand adolescents undergoing inpatient treatment according to the profile of behavioraldisorders. In the study participants with signs of ADHD, the pathology of the circulatoryand digestive systems was more often noted than among respondents without signsof hyperactivity and tendency to deviant behavior, and the presence of aggressive behavior models significantly increases the risk of developing the above diseases. A high proportionof children and adolescents who consume alcoholic beverages has been established. At the sametime, the risk of physically aggressive behavior is 1.16 times higher against the backgroundof alcohol-containing products consumption and the elimination of this risk factor makesit possible to reduce the likelihood of physical aggression by 13.8 %.
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