Resume. In this research the question regarding the clinical characteristics of childrenwith a patent foramen ovale (PFO) was raised. Today, this small anomaly of the heart,while common, has the potential to cause serious complications for children in rare cases.In this study we evaluated the patient family histories of cardiovascular diseases and connectivetissue dysplasia, the course of pregnancy, the level of physical development of the children,laboratory findings, echocardiography and ECG data, the dynamics of PFO closurein 37 children of the main group and 37 children of the control group aged from birthto 6 years of age. Among the children of the main group, the following subgroups wereidentified: with the closure of the PFO at 1, 3 and 6 years, as well as the absence of PFOclosure by the age of six years. It was found that boys predominated among the childrenof the main group. The closure of the PFO was noted to happen later in boys. In the groupwith the absence of PFO closure boys also predominated. Pregnancy with children of the maingroup was often accompanied by hypothyroidism and chronic nicotine intoxication in the mothers. In the family histories of the children of the main group connective tissuedysplasia was more frequent. A below-average level of physical development prevailedin children with a PFO low physical development was noted in children with a nonclosed PFO. Among children with a non-closed PFO by age six, a negative trend emergedwith the PFO showing a tendency to increase in diameter
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