One effective mechanism for managing health and reducing the growth of non-communicable morbidity in the population is to find meaningful managed risk factors and to eliminate or reduce the force of their potential impact in a timely manner. In order to identify removable risk factors for non-communicable diseases, a simultaneous cross-sectional study of the health status of children and adolescents 12–17 years old in relation to their lifestyle was carried out. The increase in hypodynamics leads to a noticeable decrease in the number of absolutely healthy persons and an increase with chronic diseases in the stage of sub- and decompensation. The probability of developing health abnormalities in the group of persons exposed to hypodynamics is significantly higher than among adolescents leading an active lifestyle. It was calculated that when implementing the WHO recommendations to ensure a rational motor regime, one can expect a reduction in the risk of developing major non-communicable diseases by 13 % among children and adolescents with movement deficit and by 17 % when optimizing physical activity among students on a daily basis who did not have independent forms of its organization.
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