According to epidemiological evidence, the prevalence of oncological diseases of the maxillofacial region continues to increase all over the world despite the active development of medical technologies and preventive measures. Postoperative defects of the maxillofacial region in patients with malignant neoplasms of the upper jaw are a serious pathology, since they lead to functional and cosmetic disorders, which significantly worsens the quality of life of patients and creates big problems in their social adaptation and rehabilitation. Increasing the effectiveness of prosthodontic treatment of this category of patients, which is associated with the elimination of extensive postoperative defects by dentures, remains one of the most urgent problems of modern dentistry. The aim of the study was to analyze current trends in the treatment of maxillary defects after surgery of malignant neoplasms. The results of study show that still there aren’t general methods of prosthetics, there isn’t consensus on the timing of prosthetics and the structure of the prostheses that replaces the maxillary defect.
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