A non-randomized study of 121 patients was conducted, which were divided into group 1 – patients with chronic venous insufficiency, group 2 – with deforming arthrosis of the knee joint of the 3rd degree, group 3 – with chronic arterial insufficiency. Patients with deforming arthrosis of the knee joint of the 3rd degree underwent total knee arthroplasty, with varicose veins of the lower extremities – radical phlebectomy with removal of the great saphenous vein with varicose-dilated branches and subfascial ligation of the perforating veins, patients with chronic arterial insufficiency with the development of irreversible changes in the area of the foot, bone-myoplastic amputation of the lower limb was performed at the level of the middle third of the thigh. In patients of the formed groups, blood was taken to determine the content of C-reactive protein (CRP) before surgery, 24–48 and 72 hours after surgery. At the 1st stage of the study (before surgery), the content of CRP in the blood serum of all patients of the three groups was 4,6 (0,66; 101?74) mg/l, at the 2nd stage (24–48 hours after the operation) there was a significant an increase in CRP, which amounted to 43,35 (16,23; 165,24) mg/l (p < 0,05), at stage 3 (72 hours after surgery) – 51,49 (19,28; 197,01) mg/l (p > 0,05). The level of CRP was equal in group 1: at stage 1 – 0,49 (0,2; 2,19) mg/l, at stage 2 – 13,74 (7,06; 18,62) mg/l (p < 0,05), at stage 3– 15,89 (8,02; 21,06), (p > 0,05). The content of CRP in group 2 was equal to: 3,44 (0,77; 6,5) mg/l at stage 1, 41,68 (23,72; 75,83) mg/l at stage 2 (p < 0,05), at stage 3 – 47,32 (26,97; 86,32), (p > 0,05). In group 3, the CRP level was equal to: 183,73 (118,74; 183,73) mg/l at stage 1, 270,96 (182,24; 250,24) mg/l at stage 2 (p < 0,05), 298,44 (197,33; 263,35) at stage 3 (p > 0,05). The dynamics of the content of CRP in patients during surgical interventions on the lower limbs can be considered as a biochemical criterion for the traumaticity of surgical interventions.
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