Aim of the study. To compare the effectiveness of distal extension-shortening osteotomy (DESO) of the metatarsals and Weil-osteotomy in the surgical treatment of the middle hammer toe deformity and central metatarsalgia. Treatment outcomes were studied in 80 patients (75 women and 5 men) aged 31 to 79 years (median – 57 [52; 64] years) on 90 feet. The patients were divided into 2 groups: the study group – 32 people, where the DESO was used, and the comparison group – 48 people, in which a typical Weil-osteotomy was performed. Long-term results were studied within 6 to 46 months (median – 24 [10; 33] months). During the examination, a variant of hammertoe deformity was determined, radiometric parameters of the forefoot were measured, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Lesser Toe Scale (AOFAS–II–V) were used.
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