The publication is devoted to the issues of acute poisoning in children. We analyzed 61 cases of poisoning in children hospitalized with diagnoses of “Poisoning with drugs, medicines and biological substances” (codes T36-T50), “Toxic effect of substances, mainly non-medical purposes” (codes T51-T65). The mechanisms of poisoning, the clinical picture, ongoing diagnostics and treatment were studied. We found that the highest frequency of poisoning occurred in children under the age of 7 years (67 %). In the age group 1–3 years (43 %), drug poisoning prevailed (43 % of cases). In 73 % of cases, the cause of poisoning in adolescents (13 years and older) was the use of alcoholic beverages. More preventinve conversations should be organized with adolescents with the involvement of psychologists in order to reduce the number of cases of parasuicide. The data obtained in this study on the age structure and causes of poisoning in children will make it possible to carry out their more effective prevention.
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