The most common cause of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which accounts for 17 to 35 % of all peripheral vestibular disorders. The main reason for the development of BPPV is otolithiasis, more often in the posterior semicircular canal. Of the 514 complaints of BPPV, 63.3 % went to the otorhinolaryngologist. Among the patients, women predominated (77.2 %). The structure of the disease was dominated by the lesion of the posterior semicircular canal (82.4 %). According to the survey data, only 21.3 % of otorhinolaryngologists performed diagnostic and therapeutic position tests and maneuvers in patients with recurrent systemic vertigo. Additional methods of examination of patients with BPPV were referred to by 31.3 % of doctors. Another specialist (neurologist, otoneurologist) was referred by 32.2 % of otrinolaryngologists.
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