Ectopic pregnancy is still actual problem in gynecology nowadays due to its unpredictability and is serious threat for women’s life because in the case of interrupt it’s accompanied massive bleeding. Without contemporary treatment the death is potential. Nowadays there is no common treatment approach for patients with ectopic pregnancy. According to the literature frequency of treatment tactic is dependent of country.The purpose of the work is to assess the validity of the choice of the type of surgery for patients with ectopic pregnancy. The article presents the results of clinical observation of patientswith a confirmed diagnosis of tubal pregnancy. The study included 103 case histories of patients whose age corresponded to the reproductive age period, according to WHO criteria (15–49 years) and ranged from 23 to 42 years. Based on the volume of surgical intervention, 5 observation groups were formed.The gynecological anamnesis, complaints of patients when contacting the emergency department, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics performed in dynamics, the choice of treatment tactics (organ-preserving or radical surgery) were analyzed. Based on the data obtained, recommendations for the treatment and follow-up of patients with tubal pregnancy were formed.
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